Elegance as never seen before...


Step into a world where meticulous design meets a diverse material palette, creating an immersive experience in every corner of the house. Armed with the client brief of seeking to elevate the living space into an immersive sanctuary that not only reflects the individual tastes but also invites exploration and captivates with its visionary design elements, the team at Tushar Mistry Design Studio worked on creating a space that made a bold statement of transition and growth while balancing it perfectly with sophistication.


A 4 BHK duplex, covering area of around 1800 sq.ft. at Bandra Turner Road Mumbai.


Calacatta tile
Eucalyptus Veneer
Warm Colors


Upon entering this residence, your gaze is immediately captured by the captivating Avocado green marble adorning the walls, setting the tone for what lies ahead. However, the true masterpiece reveals itself in the form of an awe-inspiring curved staircase, a harmonious fusion of white corian and molded glass, beckoning you to delve into the intricate and visionary design that awaits.


The son's bedroom is  the space where the narrative takes a bold turn, as striking and bold use of  gray and tangerine pops transform the space into the epitome of a bachelor pad. The accompanying bathroom, tastefully designed, reflects the transition of a young boy stepping into adulthood with a fresh perspective on life.


The jewel in the crown lies in the master bedroom, where elegance and charm intertwine. The meticulous use of vertical and horizontal lines in paneling and furniture pieces creates a sense of order, akin to a melodious orchestra where every element resonates in symphony.


The den room is the place where the family hosts private gatherings, that includes a full fledged bar unit.


Transitioning to the parents' bedroom, a palette of gold and white accents, coupled with an onyx tabletop, seamlessly integrates with the TV wall panel, creating a symphony of sophistication and balance.


We seek a home that transcends the ordinary, where meticulous design and a diverse material palette blend seamlessly to create an immersive experience. Inspired by the captivating Avocado green marble and the awe-inspiring curved staircase, we envision a space that exudes visionary design at every turn. Our desires include bold statements like the audacious powder room and the sophisticated parents' bedroom, where gold and white accents harmonize with onyx tabletops. The den room should showcase bespoke furniture pieces, marrying functionality with beauty. Our son's bedroom should reflect youthful energy with striking colors, while the accompanying bathroom symbolizes his transition into adulthood. Finally, the master bedroom should epitomize elegance and charm, employing a meticulous use of lines to create harmony. We entrust Architect Tushar Mistry to craft a curated masterpiece that invites exploration and reveals layers of design and sophistication within its walls.